Mission Statement

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) is a global female leadership movement committed to social justice. WGI aims to advance gender equity and youth development agendas by reaching the most marginalized and disadvantaged adolescent girls and young women populations. We serve those whose development and growth have been impacted by cycles of abject poverty, natural disaster, and armed conflict using a holistic approach, offering education and training, leadership development, and opportunities for health and economic self-sufficiency


We envision a world where no girls are invisible or left behind and can exercise their human rights while in full control of their destinies. We aim to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and gender exclusion that too many girls are born into, by availing disadvantaged adolescent girls and young women with resources and opportunities for educational and leadership development for their empowerment to become effective leaders and social change agents in their communities.


To help girls go to school, stay in school, and aim for higher education by providing them with a comprehensive package which includes financial support for full-tuition scholarships, leadership development, health services, and health education.



To help young mothers become financially independent by providing new economic opportunities through skill building and knowledge advancement, which will enable them to care for themselves and their young children and to make sound decisions over their lives.
