Didi Bertrand, Founder
Wingdie Didi Bertrand Farmer, MA, DEA, DESS is a medical anthropologist and community health specialist who has worked in Rwanda since 2005. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Ms. Bertrand Farmer studied social science, community health, and health systems management in Haiti and in France. For the last 15 years, she has worked as a community organizer, program developer and implementer, activist for women and girls' rights, and researcher.
Between 2006 - 2012, she served as the Director of the Community Health Program for Partners In Health Rwanda/Inshuti Mu Buzima and from 2012 - to present she is the Senior Advisor on Community Health and Head of the Biosocial Research and Social Development Programs for Partners In Health. She has been the principal investigator on studies focusing on community health, malnutrition, reproductive health, adolescent youth and traditional healing in rural Rwanda.
She has co-authored several research papers.She serves as the Chair of the Haiti-‐Rwanda Commission, initiated after the 2010 earthquake to promote South-South cooperation and exchange. She is the Co-‐Founder and President of Women and Girls Initiative with programs in both Rwanda and Haiti.